Men’s and Women’s Ministries

Our Church family is made up of people from all walks of life, with different backgrounds, cultures and family structures, where coming together and sharing for fellowship is encouraged.

The women of our Church enjoy breakfast at a local cafe, once a month. There is also a craft group that meets fortnightly on a Friday at 2pm.

The men meet for a coffee and chat, once a month on Friday, at the local RSL club.

During the year there are also a variety of events, including movie nights, coffee & dessert evenings and BBQ’s.

Contact the Church Office for more information.

Service Times

Sunday Morning at 9.30am

Cafe Church – Sundays
6pm-7pm fortnightly

188 Eglinton Road
Bathurst NSW 2795
P: 02 6332 2345

Leadership Team

Matt Holloway

Lindsay Croll
Dave Evans
Bill Hetherington

Ian Carter
Ben Cutler
Jayson Fox
Sally Fragar
Wayne Hill
Cathy McPhee
Duncan Peard
Suemaree Pocknall

Coming Events

View the calendar for coming events